Skin and body rejuvenation at home

girl scrubs her face to rejuvenate her skin

Every woman dreams of staying beautiful and young for as long as possible, and the appearance of those first wrinkles can be uncomfortable for even the most confident and strongest lady, but there comes a time when the skin starts to age - this is an entirely natural process.

Moisture no longer persists in the skin for a long time, subcutaneous fat becomes flabby and then the face fades, the body loses its tone, and women are ready to do anything to restore freshness and beauty.

One turns to plastic surgeons, but the process of tightening the tissue can hardly be considered rejuvenating, although outwardly the problem appears to be resolved; someone drinks dietary supplements - health products, and it's great if they're safe and effective; many women go to salons, but not all of them manage to do so regularly, and a positive effect can only be had if these visits are regular—usually, each of us tries to maintain and preserve beauty in whatever way.

These methods require not only regularity but also financial costs, and often the circle closes: when we don't have enough money, we simply postpone caring for ourselves "until later. "You shouldn't treat yourself that way, because "then" you will have to put in a lot more effort and spend a lot more time to catch up; if you still can't use the services of cosmetologists, use folk remedies - they also require regular use, but you'll spend a lot less time and money. For making homemade anti-aging masks, body wraps, taking a shower, etc. , you don't need to go anywhere and spend a lot of money on it; however, the ingredients for the masks should always be fresh and natural, so you still need to find and buy them.

Popular Remedies for Skin Rejuvenation

The products and herbs in popular rejuvenation recipes are used very differently and are familiar to us - sometimes we don't even imagine they could be so miraculous.

Skin cleansing

You can begin skin rejuvenation with cleansing - an exfoliation with brown sugar and papaya gently and thoroughly cleanses the skin. Peel the fresh papaya, mash half of it in porridge and mix with sugar (1 tsp). Apply the mixture to the face without touching the eye area, massage in a circular motion and let it work for another 15 minutes. Wash with hot water; the skin will immediately refresh and soften. You can use strawberries instead of papaya.

Cleansing creams or milk can be substituted for vegetable oils: grape seed oil, almond oil, olive oil, etc. A cosmetic disc is moistened with hot water, a few drops of oil are applied to it, and the face is rubbed while massaging lines.

Homemade lotions for skin rejuvenation

Homemade lotions rejuvenate the skin well.

Mint lotion: 4-5 tbsp. chopped fresh mint or 2 tbsp. I. dry, pour in boiling water (1 l) and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool, filter and add 1 tsp. lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. I. marigold tincture and 4 tsp. boric alcohol, well mixed, placed in a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to clean the face with this lotion in the morning and in the evening - the skin color will improve, it will look healthier and younger.

Parsley lotion is prepared in a slightly different way. Dried (or fresh) leaves and roots of a plant (1 tbsp. L) are poured into a glass of boiling water and heated in a bain-marie for half an hour; insist an hour, filter and add dry white wine (50-70 g). Clean your face morning and night.

Skin rejuvenating masks

To prepare a rejuvenating herbal mask, you will need to harvest in equal parts the linden leaves, strawberry, currant, yarrow, plantain; the raw materials are completely crushed, mixed and poured into 4 tbsp. I. mix with boiling water - so that the porridge is obtained. After cooling, the mixture is applied to the face and neck for 15 minutes; washed with cold water.

With the juice of the healing aloe vera plant, you can make an excellent homemade anti-aging mask. In a china cup or glass, mix the aloe vera juice (1 tablespoon perennial) with olive oil (1 teaspoon) and apply the mixture to a previously steamed face. After 15 minutes, the mask is removed with a damp cloth and another on top - beaten with 1 teaspoon. raw egg white salt; hold for 10 minutes and wash off with a St. John's wort decoction or sage. After the mask, apply your own nourishing cream.

A mask with banana, yogurt (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 tablespoon) turns out to be very useful and nutritious. Yogurt and honey are mixed with the crushed pulp of 1 banana, apply the pulp to the face, hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask with milk: add flour to heat the milk so that the mixture is similar to the cream, then add the yolk, mix and apply on the clean face. Continue for 20 minutes and wash with water and a little lemon juice.

A mask with protein, honey (1 tsp) and flour (2 tsp) is also rejuvenating. Beat the egg whites into a foam, add the flour and honey, mix well and apply on clean face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Plain potatoes help to rejuvenate facial skin, especially dry ones - fine and even not-too-fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Just boil the potatoes in their uniforms for a couple, peel, knead and apply to the face in a warm way. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water. You can add some milk or cream to the mashed potatoes.

Body rejuvenation at home

At home, you can successfully rejuvenate not only your face but also your body.

Body rejuvenation masks

Before applying anti-aging masks, the skin on the body must also be cleansed: an exfoliation with raspberries, cream and sugar is called anti-aging. It is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons in a bowl. I. mash fresh (frozen) raspberries with fine sugar (3-4 tbsp. L. ) and cream (2-3 tbsp. L. ), apply body scrub, hold for 5-10 minutes, massage in a circular motion and rinse in a hot bath. . .

Masks with coffee and essential oils are very effective. Penetration through the skin, caffeine promotes the breakdown of fats and gives the skin a light tan, only natural coffee should be taken - there will be no benefits with soluble skin. A few drops of tea tree oil are added to the coffee grounds, applied to the body, massaged and washed off.

Body mask with ground coffee (1 tablespoon), cream (2 tablespoons) and oil (1-2 teaspoons). The ingredients are well mixed, heated in a bain-marie for 5 minutes, and the mixture is applied to the body - mainly on the thighs and buttocks, kept for 10 minutes and washed in a hot bath.

Anti-aging baths at home

Rejuvenating baths at home are even easier to make than masks - you can just pour yourself into the warm water and at that point your skin will soften and receive the nutrients.

One liter of warm whole milk or wheat bran decoction should be added to the bath water at a temperature of 37-38 °C: pour 2 kg of bran with water (5 liters), boil, strain and pour into the bathtub. Take a shower for 15 to 20 minutes; then lubricate the skin with almond oil.

It won't be possible to talk about anti-aging masks for all skin types here, but you can list some effective ingredients.

  • For opaque skin, masks with grated carrots, lemon juice and yogurt are good - they restore freshness and a healthy color.
  • Fresh cucumber masks refresh and soothe tired skin; Banana masks help prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.
  • Tomato masks are good for oily skin; closes the pores and closes the skin mask with egg whites and lemon juice; acne and rashes are helped to eliminate the mask with mint leaves.
  • Oat masks help to smooth the skin and remove dead skin cells.

You can rejuvenate at home not just on the outside, but on the inside as well - there are many folk remedies that cleanse the body, improve metabolism, and stimulate cell renewal.

A real magical mix is obtained from common products: honey - 1 kg, lemons - 4 pcs. , Garlic - 3 heads, linseed oil - 200 ml. Chop in a meat mincer or in a blender, peeled garlic and lemons (2 peeled and 2 with zest), add honey and oil, mix everything with a wooden spoon and transfer to a glass jar. Store the product in the refrigerator and take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. I. half an hour before meals. After a while, the skin on the face and all over the body will be smooth and silky, the condition of the nails and hair will improve.

There are many simple and inexpensive home remedies for skin rejuvenation - you just need to learn more about them and choose the ones you prefer. Regular use of masks, exfoliants, lotions, baths, and other procedures will help restore the skin's softness, freshness, elasticity, and youth, and then the mood will be wonderful again and life will be interesting and joyful.